WILD SALMON MINISTER MC HUGH SPEAKS LIKE A TRUE CHAMPION FOR SALMON FARMING As our campaign continues in full sail against the ten mega salmon farm plan by Simon Coveney TD Minister for Agriculture and Marine, a Dail committee heard from a Minister whose job it is to oppose such toxic pollution proposals. FISSTA were …
Category: News
Minister Must Save Wild Salmon to prove Allegations are Untrue
The only way for Minister Joe Mc Hugh to prove otherwise is to be the best Minister for the protection of wild salmon ever. Breaking News – this evening Taoiseach denies accusations from FF & SINN FEIN over Salmon farm licensing meetings. “diaspoireacht gineralta a bhi ann” or a general debate says the Taoiseach. Yeah …
FISSTA UPDATE ON THE EU SAGA OF COMPLAINTS FISSTA commends TONY LOWES & FRIENDS OF THE IRISH ENVIRONMENT on their pursuit for accountabilty within the maze they call the EU framework. Once again, the failure of the EU to protect our wild Atlantic salmon as outlined in long standing complaints have highlighted the weaknesses in …
PRESS RELEASE – FISSTA- Federation of Irish Salmon & Seatrout Anglers MINISTER MC HUGH MUST CHAMPION OUR WILD ATLANTIC SALMON – NOT WIPE THEM OUT WITH FISH FARM POLLUTION. FISSTA’s campaign of consistent objection and intensive lobbying is preventing fish farmers from being awarded new salmon cage licenses. A private high powered meeting took place …
Tell Enda – There’s no jobs in polluting our seas.
Thank you Charles Clover for yet another fine article – we will copy to our Government and maybe they might read it before they wipe out our wild Atlantic salmon. Sunday times 17.8.14, headline. Marine fish farming will kill jobs and glorious Hemingway moments I was meant to be at the Edinburgh festival all last …
Fissta Fear for Freshwater resources as fish farmers take over lakes and public supplies
http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/v_70s_series.jpg http://www.google.ie/imgres?imgurl=http://adventofdeception.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/v-2009_tv_series_logo.png&imgrefurl=http://adventofdeception.com/abc-tv-series-v-visitors/&h=303&w=427&tbnid=IP5p_m5AT3BpMM:&zoom=1&docid=SeFyNITJo-od9M&hl=en&ei=-6zXU4SYLLTY7Abf3oD4CQ&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCAQMygFMAU https://www.google.ie/search?q=v+series+alien+spaceship&client=safari&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=6qzXU8v_Lauh7AbK04HYAw&ved=0CCoQ7Ak&biw=320&bih=373#facrc=_&imgrc=NcSv-Mmc0pqAOM%253A%3BsmAXcnUj4IkxuM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.cheatsgta5.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2014%252F04%252Fgta-v-alien-spacecraft.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.cheatsgta5.com%252Fgta-5-alien-spaceship-mod-inside-ufo-how-to%252F%3B843%3B465 It’s like a scene from V – the alien spaceship that visited earth and stole our food and water. Time for another ‘The Pipe’ film from O’donnell on environmental damage. Same story different place. Killybegs playing central role to both. Join the dots. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=339279862906353&substory_index=0&id=100004730259374
So sorry to learn that Deele Anglers in Convoy are once again hit with a fish Kill from another pollution incident. All the many years hard work from The club are wiped out once again and no amount of compensation from the offender (if they do find one) will replace a salmon habitat that is …
THANKS FERGUS – now over to you JOE.
FISSTA WISH NEW MINISTER OF STATE JOE MC HUGH WELL IN HIS NEW CHALLENGE. FISSTA wish Donegal FG TD Joe McHugh a fair wind as he has been appointed Junior Minister for Salmon and Seatrout in the Government with what is possibly the longest title of anyone in the country in a senior position. Officially, …
By the time the planning process stops this illegal abstraction by salmon farmers the lake will be dry. Council rejects Marine Harvest pipeline application
Fissta welcomes new Minister White to the wild Atlantic salmon world
A new broom sweeps clean at the dept of communications, energy and natural resources this evening as civil servants queue up to brief him in salmon and Gweebarra matters. Hopefully, some new changes favourable to protecting the salmon resources of Ireland will be made by this new minister as Pat Rabbitte TD or Fergus O’ …